Gareth's Blog
May 18th, 2024

Something to do

The blogosphere tends to light up when there is some new system on the scene. This could be a new journaling app, method of taking notes, file management system, blogging platform or something else - basically new ways of doing things that promise some sort of improvement to productivity.

I love this kind of stuff! I'll learn about it and see how I would set about implementing it which often sends me down a myriad of other rabbit holes. However, I think my excitement is not just about the promise of being more productive but also about the fact that it gives me a “project” - i.e. something to do. I think there’s something cathartic about moving notes from one system to another, reorganising stuff, spring cleaning or "gardening" notes and posts, or moving a blog from one platform to another. It might be just me but I'm sure there are others out there who also relish the opportunity to do some digital reorganisation!