Gareth's Blog
May 30th, 2024

When I found out that I loved spring onions

When I was at school and university I studied geography, geology and environmental management which meant that I went on quite a few field trips.

The work was often gruelling and tedious but I fondly remember the packed lunches I used to take with me. Hiking about in all weathers I would look forward to having a bite to eat and a rest - especially if it was on the top of a mountain with spectacular views.

I don’t know about other people but when I know that I have a delicious lunch in my backpack it is hard not to think about anything else but eating it! I’d be counting the hours and minutes to when I could eat!

Back then I used to pack a lot of rubbish for lunch that probably amounted to a million zillion calories. Sandwiches (warm), cheese (sweaty), chocolate (melted) and crisps/biscuits (broken) and if I was overseas whatever exotic and delicious sounding snacks I could lay my hands on.

In particular I fondly remember a trip to Cyprus where we had a group lunch consisting of a lovely pitta bread filled with salad and halloumi. It was at that moment that I found out that I love spring onions!

That has probably got to be one of the most random and pointless blog posts I have written but sometimes it’s fun just to go with your memories and see where they take you!